About Us
In the Minnesota State Association of Parliamentarians (MSAP), we study and practice Robert's Rules of Order with the goals of bringing order, fairness, and civility to organizations. A primary way to become acquainted with and understand how to implement efficient organizational meeting procedures is to attend one of the unit meetings.
An excellent way to learn parliamentary procedure is to join a local unit. There are two local units in Minnesota:
Northern Lights Parliamentarians
Meetings: second Tuesday of each month, January-November, via Zoom
An educational session is presented at each meeting.
Time: 6:30pm call to order, 8:00pm adjourn
Contact: President Richard Skimland: president.nlp@msap.us
Local Unit Dues: $10 per year (NAP membership extra, if desired)
St. Paul Unit
Meetings: third Monday of each month except February, via Zoom
An educational session is presented at each meeting.
Time: 9:30am , 11:30am adjourn
Note: This Unit typically meets before each meeting at 8:30am to study questions used in studying for the RP exam. This consists of over 1,000 multiple choice questions.
Contact: President Carrie Roach: president.spu@msap.us
Local Unit Dues: $10 per year (NAP membership extra, if desired)
MSAP Board of Directors ​
MSAP operates under the direction of a Board of Directors, which meets quarterly. Committees are active all year.
Our Committees
There are many ways to get involved in MSAP:
Budget and Finance
Bylaws and Standing Rules
Judging and Education of Youth
Public Relations
MSAP Current Officers
Lucy H. Johnson, PRP
Vice President
Miriam G. Simmons, PRP
Alice Chapman
Josh Martin, PRP