The Code
All NAP members are bound by the Code of Professional Responsibility.
There are two organizations in the United States for professional parliamentarians; both offer accreditation:
National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP)
Credentials offered: Registered Parliamentarian (RP) and Professional Registered Parliamentarian (PRP)
NAP uses Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (12th edition, 2020)
American Institute of Parliamentarians (AIP)
Credentials offered: Certified Parliamentarian (CP) and Certified Professional Parliamentarian (CPP). Those who have completed a teaching certification course have "-T" added to the credential.
AIP uses the Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure (2nd edition, 2023) and refers to other parliamentary authorities.
NAP Educational Foundation
The Foundation supports parliamentary education and offers grants and scholarships. Information may be found here:
If you want to have better meetings right away, get this book (either in brief or in full):
Study Questions
Test yourself on your parliamentary knowledge or practice for the exam:​
(This site specializes in materials useful for students and student competitions.)
Other Tips & Guides
If you are looking for tips, guides, forms, scripts, or workshops related to parliamentary procedure: ​
Free downloadable guides are available for nonprofit boards and school boards. Many workshops are offered. -
Charts, tips, guides on procedure; many articles on community associations. -
Videos, charts, free downloads, definitions, and description and explanation of meeting rules. -
Frequently asked questions and official interpretations about the rules of parliamentary procedure.